How Much is Enough Light Therapy?
A basic guideline for delivering “enough” light to assist with any condition is to provide between 5 – 30 Joules per session to the specific location on the body. I will go into more detail about how to figure out the proper dose, but 1 Joule is adequate for Photopuncture (activating acupoints) and 30 to 60 Joules is considered a large dose. Each light therapy device will have its own light parameters and it's important to understand those when you buy a Light Therapy device so you can determine the proper time (and distance if using a panel or bulb) to deliver an adequate but not excessive dose of light. And that is what I am here for!! Now let's get to the good stuff and talk specifics. But as always, consult a medical professional before starting any new treatment.
Acute Physical Injury
Apply the Light Therapy device directly to the area of injury and surrounding areas as quickly as possible. Light Therapy may prevent cellular death if applied immediately. Apply twice a day for the first 3 to 5 days following injury.
Light Therapy can detoxify an injury, therefore, an increase in fluid excretion is a sign of accelerated wound healing. If the wound is bleeding or seeping, be sure to cover the wound, or your device, with clear plastic wrap.
Viral Infection
Use your Light Therapy device on your lymph glands. Apply light to the carotid arteries and the belly button for at least 10 minutes twice a day until you are no longer experiencing symptoms of the infection.
Use of a targeted Light Therapy device (e.g. Photopuncture Torch) to activate Health and Balance acupoints (both sides of the body) may also assist the body to recover.
Immune Support
Use a targeted light device (e.g. Photopuncture Torch) to activate the Health and Balance acupoints every other day for 2-3 weeks, then twice weekly. May also support a healthy immune response.
Open Wound
If an open wound is present, do not touch the wound directly with the light. Hold the device as close as possible to the wound. If you must touch the light to the wound, use clear plastic between the wound and Light Therapy device.
Scar/Chronic Injury
Apply your Light Therapy device to the entire scar/chronic injury area every other day for 4 to 8 weeks. Continue as often as needed to keep scar soft and pliable.
Pre and Post Surgery
Use a targeted light device (e.g. Photopuncture Torch) to activate the Health and Balance acupointsevery day before 7 – 10 days prior to and after surgery to support the body’s ability to recover. For at least 3 days prior to surgery, use your Light Therapy device on the surgery site. Immediately after surgery, use on the surgery site and the lymph pathways between the site and the upper chest. Continue this process at least once a day until fully recovered.
Acute Pain (present for less than 3 months)
The application of Light is often effective at reducing acute pain. If you feel the pain returning, apply the Light again. There is no harm to applying the light as often as necessary to keep the pain at bay. Let the increase of pain guide your repetition of Light Therapy.
Chronic Pain (present for more than 3 months)
Dealing with chronic pain requires a more complex approach. The body needs time to use the energy from each session. Session frequency is a matter of timing, not pain level. A general guide is to simultaneously apply light both to the area where it hurts, where those nerves enter the spine, and to the forehead. Repeat up to 3 times per day depending upon pain level.
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