Mistakes You Might Be Making Using Red Light Therapy at Home
Red light therapy has been around for much longer than we likely know, most notably having been used by NASA to promote healing in space (read more here). However, access came at a high price tag, either through your healthcare provider, a spa, a gym or through private ownership, if you could afford the high price tag! Luckily, personal red light therapy devices are making the treatment both more affordable and more convenient for consumers.
Unlike many other complementary wellness options, red light therapy is safe to use every day, it is non-invasive, and it has little to no risks or side effects. This means you can enjoy red light therapy at home without a trained professional! However, there are a few common mistakes you might be making when using red light therapy at home. We have compiled a list of potential mistakes you might be making along with some simple solutions to ensure you are getting the most from your red light therapy sessions!
Not Setting Up a Schedule
This is the #1 issue with home usage, not being consistent! One of the huge advantages of owning a device and enjoying red light therapy at home is just that...being able to use it in the comfort of your own home on your schedule! But, if you’re not using your device consistently and regularly, you are essentially wasting your investment and the amazing potential benefits.
Regular and consistent red light therapy sessions allow your body to adapt and respond to light therapy more effectively over time. Red light therapy benefits such has improved skin health, reduced inflammation, enhanced muscle recovery, decreased wound healing time and increased collagen production occur gradually as the body undergoes positive changes at the cellular level. Therefore, adhering to a consistent treatment schedule maximizes the therapeutic benefits and helps to maintain long-term results. We recommend setting up a weekly schedule you can stick to and then block that time off on your calendar.
Not Placing Your Device in an Easily Accessible Location
The saying "out of sight, out of mind" applies here. If your device is not in an easily accessible location, you will not use it. This seems easy enough right? But in the day to day shuffle of life, things get moved around, piles are created...you know what I'm talking about! Life happens! So decide how you plan to use your device and where best to place the device for ease of use. As an example, if you are mainly focused on improving your face, reducing fine lines, preventing acne, then you should place your panel on your nightstand or somewhere you will see it and can easily get your session in.
Sitting Too Close or Too Far from your Device
The distance from the red light therapy device can impact it's effectiveness. Sitting too close may result in overheating, while sitting too far away may reduce the intensity of light penetrating the skin. Generally, a minimum of 6” of distance from the device is recommended for ambient therapy devices, such as panels whereas direct therapy devices such as the Handheld Torch are safe (and recommended) for use directly against the skin. The guidelines for how far to place yourself from your device are not yet perfectly honed, so always follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the recommended distance for your particular device.
Making your Sessions Too Long or Too Short
The general rule is to have your sessions range anywhere from 5-20 minutes, but you can experiment with timing. Everyone reacts differently to red light therapy so it's best to take it slow. You might be tempted to try to cram more minutes into a session or to pack a week’s worth of sessions into one. Red light therapy simply doesn’t work that way. Hour-long sessions won’t be more effective than 20-minute sessions, and will actually reduce the effectiveness of the treatment, particularly if it means you’re skipping sessions. And it is possible to overdo it, triggering a "Herx" like reaction which isn't fun!

Using the Wrong Size Device for Your Goals
In addition to maintaining the proper distance, using the correct red light therapy device is important when it comes to effectively treating specific issues. The size of the device directly impacts the coverage area and intensity of the light emitted, which ultimately determines the therapeutic outcome. Different conditions and concerns require varying levels of light exposure and penetration. By using the appropriate device size, you can ensure that the affected area receives adequate light energy for optimal healing and rejuvenation. A smaller device may be suitable for targeting localized areas such as a joint or muscle, delivering concentrated light to the specific site of concern.
Conversely, larger devices are better suited for treating broader areas like the back or the entire face, providing consistent and comprehensive coverage. Choosing the correct size red light therapy device to address the issue at hand not only maximizes the therapeutic benefits but also ensures that the light energy is efficiently absorbed by the targeted tissues, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the treatment. Light Therapy Resource offers a limited number of red light therapy devices in our store to accommodate a range of needs and budgets. We have also partnered with the best in the industry so if we don't offer what you are looking for, we can definitely refer you to a trusted partner.
Not Drinking Enough Water
This is such a simple one! We already know drinking water is good for our body. But there is evidence that proper hydration increases the effectiveness of red light therapy. Research suggests that red light therapy may prefer hydrated cells, as they tend to have more energy stored. Red light therapy can also increase cellular activity and metabolism, leading to increased water loss. So it’s never a bad idea to reach for that glass of water before and after a red light therapy session!
Not Tracking your Progress
Given that it’s a process that can take time, red light therapy results can sneak up on you. Let’s say you’re using red light therapy to improve your skin’s appearance. Given that you see your face in the mirror every day, it might take someone pointing out how radiant you look or asking if you’ve had work done for you to take notice of your progress. The same goes for chronic pain. You may not even realize your pain is decreasing until one day you’re able to climb stairs without using the handrail or lift a box without flinching.
For cosmetic issues, we recommend taking progress pics. For invisible issues such as pain or immune health, a journal might help you keep track of improvements. Not only will this help motivate you to keep up your treatment, it might also be useful for adjusting the frequency and duration of your sessions to find the regimen that works best for you. Additionally, range of motion measurements at the affected area right before and right after a light therapy session can also be an extremely effective way of measuring progress.
Expecting Immediate Results
While red light therapy might be the most promising treatment to date for a whole host of issues and concerns, it is important to manage your expectations. First, it’s not a miracle cure. In fact, one of the reasons consistent and frequent use is so important is that once treatment stops, the issue is likely to return over time.
Second, red light therapy is not immediate. It takes patience and commitment. If you don't observe changes within a month, there is no need to panic. Although significant cellular activity may already be occurring, the processes of collagen production, tissue healing and cellular stimulation take time. While some experience immediate results, it can take time and our bodies respond differently.

Not Discussing with Your Doctor
While red light therapy is known for being completely safe, painless, and non-invasive, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor or other health care provider before starting any sort of treatment plan. This is particularly important if you’re pregnant or if you’re undergoing certain treatments already. Some medication, for instance, can increase your photosensitivity, which can lead to temporary redness and tightness in the skin after using red light therapy.
Your doctor or health care provider is your ally when it comes to your health, and they should be kept aware of any and all aspects of your life that might affect your wellbeing. The more they know, the better they can do their job.
Wearing Clothing, Sunscreen or Other Products
Just as clothes block UV light from penetrating your skin, it will block red and infrared light as well. As for sunscreen, lotions, makeup, etc., it will also work as a barrier to some red and infrared light, preventing it from penetrating as deeply. To maximize the benefits, it's important to expose the targeted area of skin directly to the light without any barriers. You might consider using red light therapy before applying any products in the morning or after washing your face before bed.
At the end of the day, red light therapy is considered safe. The majority of red light therapy devices are FDA Certified Class II devices, similar to home pregnancy test and laser hair removal systems. They are safe for use without a trained professional. However, small mistakes can potentially impact the effectiveness of your treatment. The key is recognizing them and making the necessary adjustments. And sometimes it’s just a matter of listening to your body and fine-tuning your sessions to optimize your body’s own unique healing potential. With red light therapy, you’re in control of your device and your health!
Check out our blog page to read more about the benefits of red light therapy and message us with questions. Our team of Certified Light Therapists are happy to help! Need immediate assistance? Chat with RosyBot, our automated assistant, ready to answer your questions and provide further support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! To interact with her, click here!
Ready to purchase? Check out our limited selection of light therapy devices here. Plus, all purchases include access to our exclusive customer portal, featuring dosage guidelines and calculators for use with any Light Therapy device, Photopuncture Charts for use with a targeted therapy device such as a Handheld Torch, our Introduction to Light Therapy Beginner's Course ($70 value!), our Managing Pain with Red Light Therapy eBook ($4.99 value!), the database of clinical studies and research on light therapy, access to our team of Certified Light Therapists, and more added regularly to ensure you have the education and resources to support your light therapy journey. Empower your health and wellness with light therapy!
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